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What Are the Causes of Alcoholism & Alcohol Abuse?

In the 1930s, when researchers first began to investigate what caused addictive behavior, they believed that people who developed addictions were somehow morally flawed or lacking in willpower. Overcoming addiction, they thought, involved punishing miscreants or, alternately, encouraging them to…

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Children of Alcoholics Impact & Effects of Alcoholic Parents

You don’t have to feel limited in how you process and navigate this situation. Navigating relationships with parents can be difficult, especially if they are navigating their own complex situations like addiction. A summary of the selection process is illustrated…

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Are psychedelics addictive? Side effects and risks

Psychedelic agents are substances—most of them naturally derived from plants—that change people’s mental states by temporarily altering their perception of reality. As a result, the substances can lastingly induce changes in thoughts and feelings. Despite their general safety, psychedelics pose…

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Son of musician Stills injured

The drug started having adverse effects in reaction to his prescribed medication he was on, and he passed out. He called a friend over for help, then flat-lined shortly after that call. Written by Tyler CarterTyler Carter is a passionate…

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Shame and Guilt in Addiction Recovery

Yoga and exercise are both physical activities that can help release endorphins, which contribute to a feeling of happiness and wellbeing. These activities also provide a sense of accomplishment and achievement, which can help counter feelings of shame or guilt.…

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