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Future-Oriented Innovations

If you’re responding to seismic shifts within your industry or trying to take a long-term approach, changing your organization’s future direction can provide significant benefits. Research has revealed that companies with a stronger future-oriented orientation are more efficient and creative. To become more future-oriented you can motivate employees and management to create and implement new methods and strategies that help the company better prepare for the future and adapt to the latest trends.

The development of future-oriented innovations requires a method of dialog to analyze business opportunities and potential barriers. This can be accomplished using the framework of futures literacy that encompasses futures knowledge and awareness, as well as the ability to predict the future. Futures literacy is the capacity of a person or an organization to determine futures, build them, and communicate them. It is based upon the notion that the process of creating and articulating futures is multidisciplinary and involves various domains, spheres and stakeholders. Futures awareness is an individual’s ability to recognize future possibilities. It is based on the way they perceive of the world.

In order to achieve the future-oriented innovation that we want, it is necessary to develop products and services that can improve the lives of people. These improvements are a result of a collaboration amongst several high tech procedure stakeholders and require a complex analysis of present problems and possible solutions. This kind of innovation requires radical epistemic clarity and the ability to listen to suggestions for the future.

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